Expressions | LRFExpressions

The LRFExpression data type is a collection of properties that represent a pattern of eye animations in the Little Robot Friends library. LRFExpressions consist of 2 properties: pattern which stores the eye animation pattern. sounds is where you can enter up to 4 musical notes for the audio of the expression.


LRFExpression myExpression =
  .pattern = { LRFColor_Green, LRFColor_Purple, LRFTransform_Boomerang, LRFDuration_DoubleLong },
  .sounds = {
    { LRFNote_C, LRFOctave_3, LRFIntonation_Flat, LRFDuration_DoubleLong, LRFDuration_Medium },
    { LRFNote_C, LRFOctave_3, LRFIntonation_Rising, LRFDuration_DoubleLong, LRFDuration_Medium },
    { LRFNote_C, LRFOctave_3, LRFIntonation_Falling, LRFDuration_DoubleLong, LRFDuration_Medium },
    { LRFNote_C, LRFOctave_3, LRFIntonation_Peaking, LRFDuration_DoubleLong, LRFDuration_Medium }


LRFExpression expression = {
  .pattern = ,
  .sounds =



LRFExpressions can only hold a maximum of 4 sounds attached. If you wish to code longer sounds, check out the LRFSong type .