Songs | LRFSong

The LRFSong data type is a collection of properties that represent a song in the Little Robot Friends library. LRFSongs consist of four properties: length is the number of sounds in the song. octaveShift is the number of octaves to shift the frequency, if desired. pattern is the eye pattern that will animate while the robot sings. sounds is where we enter the array of sounds or notes that make up the song, this is the bulk of the structure.

The value of length should match the number of sounds/notes in the sounds array.


LRFSong mySong = {
  .length = 9,
  .octaveShift = 0,
  .pattern = {LRFColor_Green,LRFColor_Purple,LRFTransform_Boomerang},
  .sounds = {
    { LRFNote_E,  LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_DS, LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_E,  LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_DS, LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_E,  LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_B,  LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_D,  LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_C,  LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Medium, LRFDuration_DoubleShort},
  { LRFNote_A,  LRFOctave_3,  LRFIntonation_Flat,   LRFDuration_Long,   LRFDuration_DoubleShort}


LRFSong mySong = {
  .length = ,
  .octaveShift = ,
  .pattern = ,
  .sounds =
