Sounds | LRFSound

The LRFSound data type is a collection of properties that represent a song in the Little Robot Friends library. LRFSounds consist of five properties: note which contains the musical note that the sound is comprised of. octave determines the octave that the note is played in. intonation is the behavior of the note, this allows for a variety of expressions. duration stores the length of the note and finally, pause is the length of the pause that follows the note.



LRFSound mySound = {
  .note = LRFNote_A,
  .octave = LRFOctave_3,
  .intonation = LRFIntonation_Flat,
  .duration = LRFDuration_Long,
  .pause = LRFDuration_None


LRFSound myOtherSound = { LRFNote_C, LRFOctave_4, LRFIntonation_Rising, LRFDuration_DoubleMedium, LRFDuration_None };


LRFSound mySound = {
  .note = ,
  .octave = ,
  .intonation = ,
  .duration = ,
  .pause =
