Events | LRFEvent

The Little Robot Friends Library is largely event-based. When certain states are reached, events are fired that trigger pre-defined behavior. It is possible to remap or assign these events to execute custom blocks of code.

Event Handlers

In order to reassign an event to your own code, you need to create an "event handler" this is a block of code that will be executed when an event is fired.

Create Event Handler


void myTapHandler(LRFEvent event)

Map Event Handler

Within the setup portion of your Arduino sketch, you need to map the particular event to your custom event handler. This is done using the setEventHandler function, which accepts an LRFEvent constant and the custom function we created. In this example the "Tap" event is being reassigned.


void setup()
  lrf.setup();          //setup library

  // set an event handler for when we tap our hair
  lrf.setEventHandler(LRFEvent_Tap, myTapHandler);

Event Constants

System Events

Event Name Trigger
LRFEvent_RobotPowerUp Robot starting up.
LRFEvent_RobotIsHungry Robot's battery level is low.
LRFEvent_RobotIsBored Boredom timeout threshold reached.
LRFEvent_RobotIsSleeping Robot enters sleep mode.
LRFEvent_RobotIsAwake Robot exits sleep mode.
LRFEvent_RobotGotMessage Robot received a message.

Tap/Tickle/Hug Events

Event Name Trigger
LRFEvent_Tap Single touch on hair sensor.
LRFEvent_Tickle Multiple touches on hair sensor.
LRFEvent_Hug Long touch on hair sensor.
LRFEvent_TapLeft Single touch on left-hand side sensor.
LRFEvent_TickleLeft Multiple touches on left-hand side sensor.
LRFEvent_HugLeft Long touch on left-hand side sensor.
LRFEvent_TapRight Single touch on left-hand side sensor.
LRFEvent_TickleRight Multiple touches on left-hand side sensor.
LRFEvent_HugRight Long touch on left-hand side sensor.
LRFEvent_BigHug Long touch on both side hand sensors.
LRFEvent_SuperHug Long touch on all three of the touch sensors.

Light Events

Event Name Trigger
LRFEvent_LightNormal Robot senses "normal" light levels. (1000 - 2500)
LRFEvent_LightTooDark Robot senses decrease in light levels to dark. (Dynamic range)
LRFEvent_LightTooBright Robot senses increase in light levels to bright. (Dynamic range)
LRFEvent_LightTooDarkTooLong Robot senses decrease in light levels to dark for over 5 seconds. (Dynamic range)
LRFEvent_LightTooBrightTooLong Robot senses increase in light levels to bright for over 5 seconds. (Dynamic range)

Sound Events

Event Name Trigger
LRFEvent_SoundNormal Robot returns to hearing "normal" sound levels.
LRFEvent_SoundTooLoud Robot senses a loud sound like a clap or shout.
LRFEvent_SoundLikeTalking Robot senses a pattern of sound that resembles talking.
LRFEvent_SoundLikeNoTalking Robot no longer senses a pattern of sound that resembles talking.

Motion Events

Event Name Trigger
LRFEvent_TiltNone Robot is returned to standard orientation.
LRFEvent_TiltLeft Robot is tilted on its left-hand side.
LRFEvent_TiltRight Robot is tilted on its right-hand side.
LRFEvent_TiltForward Robot is tilted on its face.
LRFEvent_TiltBack Robot is tilted on its back.
LRFEvent_LayLeft Robot is laying on its left-hand side.
LRFEvent_LayRight Robot is laying on its right-hand side.
LRFEvent_LayForward Robot is laying on its face.
LRFEvent_LayBack Robot is laying on its back.
LRFEvent_Shake Robot is shaken for 3 seconds.